In certain cases, it's crucial a credit card's issuer type.
You can identify the type by looking at the first few numbers of your credit card:
Visa starts with 4.
MasterCard starts with 51-55.
Diner's club starts with 36 / 38.
Discover starts with 6011 / 65.
JCB starts with 35.
American Express starts with 34 / 37.
Source: Wikipedia
Consider my case: My friend bought an item for me. She asked me to pay her back by depositing the money to her credit card. I was given the credit card number (even though this is not secure) and the bank's name. When I went to my online payment, I registered the card but it asked me if it's Visa or Mastercard. My friend is not available and there's a cut off time so I need to know immediately.
You can identify the type by looking at the first few numbers of your credit card:
Visa starts with 4.
MasterCard starts with 51-55.
Diner's club starts with 36 / 38.
Discover starts with 6011 / 65.
JCB starts with 35.
American Express starts with 34 / 37.
Source: Wikipedia
Consider my case: My friend bought an item for me. She asked me to pay her back by depositing the money to her credit card. I was given the credit card number (even though this is not secure) and the bank's name. When I went to my online payment, I registered the card but it asked me if it's Visa or Mastercard. My friend is not available and there's a cut off time so I need to know immediately.

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